This is a WORK IN PROGRESS so for now it looks like horrendous



So it all starts with me playing minecraft with one of my friends Zin and when generating the world I decided to set it to generate "coal" biomes, the reason why its in parenthesis is because it was actually cobalt and not coal and when you mined it would cause a small explosion that wouldnt destroy any blocks but would cause a half a heart of damage. So i tell Zin about the biome and she goes there and mines cobalt, after a while i find a village and she types in the chat how she just made glasses that looks like Terezis and Roxy ones that u could equip on yur helmet slot and finally my friend who I will call of SAD joins. We greet him and tell him about what we are doing and suddenly he mentions if we are gonna hold a funeral for "her", i get really confused and the situation gets really awkward and i ask him what hes talking about, he then mentions that yesterday on our previous server he and Zin had installed a pokemon mod and he had a caught a "ledyba" (GUESS FUCKING WHAT IT DIDNT LOOK LIKE A LEDYBA AT ALL) and that she had died in battle. For some reason i did NOT want to do a funeral and the eerieness and creepyness on how everything looked in game and the convo awkwardness definitly contributed to it, then my view point suddenly changes from just being the computer to also show my surroundings and we where all on a dark room on a table with the light of our computers being the only thing lightning it up, the tv lights up and shows ace attorney THE GAME but you have to PAY ONE COIN to be allowed to play it and to make it worse you have to throw it at the screen and be lucky enough to hit the perfect spot at the perfect angle. Now you might be wondering (ou probablyarent), how did you know that? Well in this nightmare i had a fake memory of playing some kind of demo of the game and throwing a coin at my computers monitor. So i grab a few coins and start to do that and my friends are like "what the fuck are you doing STOP YOU ARE GONNA BREAK THE TV" and eventually i give up and go check the internet


While i browse the web I get a Discord notification and it shows me that I was added to some competition server out of nowhere. In there someone had signed up as one of my characters and the person talked about how they where a fan of me and sent me a link to one of their camp entries that was posted on youtube. The video starts with for some reason one of my characters dead with a umbilical cord connected to HIM???? THEN THE PERSON USES THE SELECTION TOOL TO MOVE THE CHARACTER HE SIGNED UP AS AROUND??? So I watch the video and i think "uuuuh thats cool I guess??" and in my reccomended it shows another entry with a questionable thumbnail, the video starts the same way until it changes to STRAIGHT UP ILLEGAL FOOTAGE THAT IM NOT COMFORTABLE DESCRIBING. Im terrified and for some reason I look at the like to deslike ratio and it has 43 likes and 67 deslikes (or something like i dont remember) and has atleast 4000 views. I check the server and notice that nobody likes this person for that reason but the owner just refuses to ban them.


So I try to play the game again and this time it works and plays a cutscene of a live action Scooby Doo gang in panic because a criminal escaped their cage and theres no Shaggy or Scooby or blonde guy I dont remember the name, instead its a unholy almagamtion of John Egbert and Jake English and the criminal strapped bombs to his chest while he was asleep and hes oddly calm considering the circumstances. After that me and my family get on a uber and the guy whos driving is going really fast and the other cars are going fast too. Im really scared because of that then my dad takes control of the car (I dont know what the fuck happened to the driver but hes gone now) and starts to run over some streetlights until we reach our destination. When we do my "aunt and uncle" and my cousin are waiting for us there. I put it in parenthesis because my "aunt, uncle and mother" did not look like my in real life ones at ALL. They say they are gonna enter the mall and my "aunt" starts to just. fucking bodyshame me??? She starts comparing me to my cousin and how I have some misplaced bones unlike my him so shes basically saying how he has a better body than me because of that and how I should be ashamed.

We enter the a place thats 5 stores around a entrance to the mall but it was inside the mall, imagine if you are on there and you see a normal store entrance but when you enter inside theres 5 smaller stores that you can enter. I remember one of them for some reason being scissor themed, like it just sold scissors, all kinds big small long short sharp dull you name it. So the mother asks the cashier if it won't dismember him, the cashier ASSURES HER it wont happen. Now you might be asking: What the fuck are you talking about? Let me explain.

In the trial you stand on a circle the other person pulls out a shotgun and presses the trigger, now the shotgun barrel is big and not in the long sense (not comically large like cartoons tho) and if it shoots you it will dettach your entire torso, blow up your head, probably remove some limbs too and etc and leave your body looking like swiss cheese. But if the gun jams you pass the trial! So wow thats GREAT! :D Its over right? Nope, theres 2 more rounds. On round 2 you now have a opponent, another kid who also passed the first round and the objective is to be the last one standing, but if the kid dies you dont automatically win they will still try to shoot you so its fair for everyone. Round 3 is the same thing but with one more participant, got it?

Soooo she pulls out a shotgun and I didnt know any of that was going to happen so I close my eyes in fear and run away, I look back and the mother and aunt are now arguing and my cousin upper torso is on the floor, headless and bleeding. I keep running until I find a dehydrated and dead inside kid who barely moves and whose dad is searching for to do the trials. I grab him with me behind a mall McDonald and I do a puzzle where I alk on some flowers to talk to the manager. He was headless, it was like his head wasnt there it wasa glowing light with glasses and he didnt have arms either just floating hands, he didnt help AT ALL and the things he said didnt make much sense. Another kid appeared and and I was dragged to do round 2 with them. I survive and I run away again to the same McDonalds, where on one of the cash registers theres a mall cop and I start to desperatly explain the situation to him but alas, my cries for help are received with MOCKERY and ARROGANT BRAGGING. I am then taken away again for round 3, this time there's a frog boy and a smiley girl (I call them that due to their circles containing a frog and a smiley face) and I survive YET AGAIN. At this point I'm crying and desparate and traumatized for life. I run away and search for the dead inside but hes nowhere to be found, which I can only presume means his father got him and made hhim do the trial and that hes now dead.

After that I find "mother" crying because of what happened and she tells me we are gonna escape this, we run to the mall exit and its night and REALLY REALLY DARK. We look at the car the aunt and the uncle parked and I think of planting bombs in it so when they come back the car will blow up and we will get revenge for what they did, the mother tells me they are gonna pay but we continue running until we are on a streetwalk and when I look behind the dead inside kid father is chasing us and I forgot to mention but hes really overwheight but is still catching up to us. We get close to some really cold mountain and the mother picks me up to try to save me then a MOTHERFUCKING EAGLE comes by and grabs me, it puts me on top of the mountain and I'm forced to spend the rest of my life in a cold mountain...

...But then my perspective changes yet again and it was actually all A YOUTUBE VIDEO AND THAT WAS A DOCUMENTARY ABOUT THE "MOST DISTURBING CUPHEAD FANFIC" THAT SHOWS THE BACKSTORY OF THE CRIMINAL WHO STRAPPED BOMBS TO PEOPLES CHESTS AND I LEARN THAT NEVER HAPPENED TO ME AND IT ALL WAS JUST A FUCKING. YOUTUBE. VIDEO. The guy on the video then starts to talk about how the writter was really acting on 2010 to approximatly 2013, but not in the way you would expect. She would participate in a lot of online projects but no one truly knew her, its like when a hitman is hired the person doesnt know the guy but hes working for them currently but instead of being a hitman its a fanfic writter who is just part of a lot of projects for some reason. He then mentions on how it was all a Cuphead fanfic and how the creator had made her own cereal that you could order online that had the rare chance of coming with a Cuphead or Mugman plush, the only problem is that she was really obscure so only a few people bought it and theres no way to confirm if those dolls are real or false. He also talked about how back in 2019 she had a twitter account that she used to work with someone and thats it. OR IS IT?

Theres a part 2 video that is a follow up and it talks about how theres this cursed GMod map called "gmme_me" and he explores it with his friends, the map is really weird and all the default gmod props and ragdolls are either ERROR models or squares with missin textures. He says that the map is haunted by the main character of the fic and he talks about how thankfully in the Half Life 25th anniversary they added Stormtroopers player models to the game deathmatch and how they worked so they all went as stormtroopers so that they wont be walking errors. He and his friends are messing around in a room with a empty elevator shaft and two of his friends throws grenades down there and he throws a different type of grenade that pushes things back so the grenades come back and in classic gmod videos way they all laugh and stuff like that. Then a default posing glitched HL2 itzen model whos face is completely disfigured and his fingers keep glitching and stretching all over the place floats upwards from the shaft, it attacks them and the game crashes. After that I somehow get in contact him??? I ask him if the Gmod video was real and he tells me it wasnt but when I ask about the first video he just stares at me instead of replying. I then go out of my bedroom and see that on my dads computer and noticed he just finished watching the first video and I wonder "was he watching it too???" I try to use his computer but when I try to click on the second video to see if he has watched it but changes to the guy Fortnite Mystery investigation and it doesnt let me go back to see, then I give up and go tell my mom that I had a nightmare and then I woke up.